Board of Trustees


Executive Committee Members

Shirelle Applin, MD                               

Family Medicine at Premier Health     

Board President 


Tina Marker 

VP Winward Design Group                  

Board Vice President 

Rebecca Morgann 
Retired, Consulting
Board Secretary


Heather Rihm
Greene County DR Court
Board Treasurer

Board of Trustees

Don Adams                                              Beavercreek City Councilman

Pete Bales                                                  Local Government Consultants, LLC

Carolyn Destefani                                  Sugarcreek Twp. Trustee

Joseph Jenkins                                      Owner/CEO Jenkins Community Development 

Morgan McConnell                                Attorney, Miller, Walker and Brus

Yuanthony McCree                               

USAF Professional Service Program Manager 

 Vicki Williamson                   
Tim Tuttle 
Retired Appraisal Specialist and Bellbrook Sugarcreek Area Chamber Treasurer
Celeste Hurley
VFF Executive Director
Joe Stadnicar
Attorney, Hammond, Stier, & Stadnicar
Advisor to the Board

Chief of Governance                                          Becka Perales

Former and Noteworthy Board Members








Susan Stiles
Founder & President Emeritus
Carol Graff
Emeritus Board Member
Diane Phillips 
Emeritus Board Member